
Tomcat is a Java servlet container, it can be used to display simple JSP and run Spring applications.

However, it cannot run JavaEE, you'll need a proper application server such IBM WAS, Glassfish, Jboss, etc. to do so.

Installation Server configuration Application configuration Other
Linux apt-get setup Users management MySQL datasource Apache 2 - proxy
Linux manual setup UTF-8
Linux Tomcat on boot IPv4 over IPv6
Windows setup Server access restriction
JMX configuration
Increase PermGen
War deployment through manager

Basic tasks

Files location

The applications files are in $Tomcat/webapps

  • Automatic installation: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps
  • Manual installation (tomcat instance): /opt/tomcat-base/webapps

Remove old temp files

In case of bugs, you can remove the working directory: $Tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/*

# Package installation
rm -Rf /var/lib/tomcat7/work/Catalina/localhost/*

# Manual installation, Tomcat instance
rm -Rf /opt/tomcat-base/work/Catalina/localhost/*