Useful programs - programming

Sublime text

Sublime text is a nice alternative to default editors such as Vim, Gedit, MousePad, ...

Automatic installation

This is the recommended way :)

add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3 
apt-get update
apt-get install sublime-text-installer

To remove it:

add-apt-repository --remove ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3

Manual installation

tar xjvf sublimeText.tar.bz2

Bess hexadecimal editor

apt-get install bless

MySQL workbench

apt-get install mysql-workbench

Squirrel SQL


Download the latest version of Squirrel SQL from the official website.

Then, launch the installation:

java -jar squirrel-sql-3.5.2-standard.jar

Install the following plugins:

  • Microsoft SQL server
  • MySQL
  • SQL param
  • SQL replace
  • SQL validator

Drivers installation

Download the required drivers:

Copy the .jar files into squirrelSql/lib:

  • mysql-connector-java-5.1.0-bin.jar
  • jtds-1.3.1.jar

Run the application

Then you can run the application:


You should see in "drivers" that both Microsoft SQL + MySQL are available.

Create advanced symlinks

Create new symlinks

sudo ln -s /home/guillaume/DEV/squirrelsql/ /usr/bin/squirrel-sql

Create icon

for Xubuntu only

  • Go to start menu > Settings > Menu Editor
  • Under development, add a new launcher
    • Command: /home/guillaume/DEV/squirrelsql/


DbVisualizer is a generic tool to access different types of databases.


  • Go to DOWNLOAD
  • Download the latest version for Linux: Linux x86 (setup installer)
  • Mark the downloaded file as executable and run it
chmod 755
  • Install the application
    • I advised you to put it in /opt/DbVisualizer

... First, you have to grant your user the right to use /opt : chown -R myUser:myUser /opt

    • Create symlinks in /usr/local/bin

... If you're not root then this step might not succeed!

  • Installation is done! You can run the application

Create advanced symlinks

Create new symlinks

sudo ln -s /opt/DbVisualizer/dbvis /usr/local/bin/

Create icon

for Xubuntu only

  • Go to start menu > Settings > Menu Editor
  • Under development, add a new launcher
    • Command: /opt/DbVisualizer/dbvis


see SVN client


see GIT client