Difference between revisions of "SVN server installation (Linux)"

Line 167: Line 167:
You can use the repository with the following SVN URL: svn://server/''java''  
You can use the repository with the following SVN URL: svn://server/''java''  
=Upgrade repository (Linux)=
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
cd /var/svn/
svnadmin upgrade myRepo
Then you can check the SVN repository version:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
cat /var/svn/myRepo/db/format

Revision as of 14:42, 13 September 2014

SVN is used to managed file revisions, branches and application releases. You have to install a SVN server, then a client on each remote computer.

SVN server (Linux)


Required package

apt-get install subversion

Source folder You must indicate to subversion how it's going to work

mkdir /var/svn
mkdir /var/svn/myRepository

Set rights

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/svn/myRepository 
chmod -R 777 /var/svn/myRepository

→ Use "www-data" user:group if you want to setup web access through HTTP(S) protocol later on.

Server automatic startup

Create SVN startup script

vim /etc/init.d/subversionServer

Put the following content

# Provides:             svn
# Required-Start:       $remote_fs
# Required-Stop:        $remote_fs
# Default-Start:        2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:         0 1 6
# Short-Description:    SVN server

do_start () {
	svnserve -d -r /var/svn --pid-file /var/run/svnserve.pid
do_stop () {
	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/svnserve.pid

case "$1" in
 		exit $?
		sleep 1s
		echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart" >&2
		exit 3

Set execution flags:

chmod 750 /etc/init.d/subversionServer

Create symlinks:

ln -s /etc/init.d/subversionServer /usr/bin/subversionServer

Update boot sequence

Register SVN server to server startup

cd /etc/init.d
update-rc.d subversionServer defaults

Start SVN server

/etc/init.d/subversionServer start

How to remove SVN from boot?

Just execute the following sequence

update-rc.d -f subversionServer remove

Create SVN repository

To do any advanced task, you've to use "svnadmin" To create repository you have to: 1. Create folder 2. Defines rights 3. Creates users

1. Create root folder

svnadmin create /var/svn/myRepo

Create repo structure

cd /var/svn/myRepo
mkdir trunk
mkdir tags
mkdir branches
chmod -R 755 */

2. Adjust rights

vim /var/svn/myRepo/conf/svnserve.conf

Adjust values:

anon-access = none		→ disable anonymous access
auth-access = write		→ allow read / write to all users
password-db = passwd		→ password required to log-in
realm = 'java'		→ Name of the current repo (without quotes!)

3. Create users

vim /var/svn/myRepo/conf/passwd

Restart your server to use the new repository.

Repository access

You can use the repository with the following SVN URL: svn://server/java

Upgrade repository (Linux)

cd /var/svn/
svnadmin upgrade myRepo

Then you can check the SVN repository version:

cat /var/svn/myRepo/db/format

Web access (Linux)

Required packages

# Apache2 modules
apt-get install libapache2-mod-svn
apt-get install libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir
# Enable modules
a2emod dav_svn
a2enmod ldap authnz_ldap ldap_userdir
# Restart server 
service apache2 restart


You have 2 solutions to setup the SVN dav.

  • Use the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav.conf
  • VirtualHost configuration

From a maintenance point of view it's better to use the VirtualHost configuration.

Add the following declaration:

<Location /svn>
    <IfModule dav_svn_module>
            # Enable DAV module
            DAV svn

            # SVN root
            SVNParentPath /var/svn
            SVNListParentPath On
            # LDAP authentication
            AuthType Basic
            AuthName "SVN Repository"
            AuthBasicProvider ldap
            AuthLDAPURL "ldap://localhost:389/ou=people,dc=vehco,dc=com?uid"
            Require valid-user
	    #Require ldap-group cn=vehco_staff

!! Note that is it recommended to AVOID "/svn" !!

Reload apache2 server

service apache2 restart


You need to adjust your FW if you plan to serve SVN by HTTP.

IPT=`which iptables`
# Only serve SVN by HTTP to some servers

$IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s $CODE_VEHCO_COM -j ACCEPT
$IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s $PROXY_VEHCO_COM -j ACCEPT
$IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP                    # DROP all the rest !

Web access

Now instead of “svn://” + dedicated SVN user you can use “https://myServer/dav_svn/” + LDAP user.

try http://myServer/svn

Improving website

Source: http://www.reposstyle.com/


cd /var/www/
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/reposserver/reposstyle/repos-style-with-plugins-2.4.zip?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Freposserver%2Ffiles%2Freposstyle%2F&ts=1410467806&use_mirror=optimate
mv repos-style-with-plugins-2.4.zip\?r\=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Freposserver%2Ffiles%2Freposstyle%2F repos-style-with-plugins-2.4.zip

# unzip the archive
unzip repos-style-with-plugins-2.4.zip
rm repos-style-with-plugins-2.4.zip

# set rights
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/

# Update VHost

Advanced web access (Linux)

If you put your SVN server behind a proxy you might encounter some 502 errors... Example of advanced configuration:

SVN behind proxy

In that case, you need to adjust both the GATEWAY and the SVN server apache2 configuration.

Gateway configuration

The GW must be able to understand and forward HTTP DAV requests such as (PROPFIND, COPY, etc.).

You need to enable some Apache2 modules

apt-get install -y libapache2-mod-svn
a2enmod dav dav_svn

You also need to adjust your LOCATION settings:

<Location /svn>
     DAV svn
     ProxyPass http://svn.vehco.com/svn
     ProxyPassReverse http://svn.vehco.com/svn 

!! NOTE !!

Some experts said the "DAV svn" instruction is not required. However, it seems to improve compatibility with older clients. I advise you to keep it !

Restart / Reload Apache2 Gateway

service apache2 restart

SVN server

You need to adjust few things on the SVN too, especially if your proxy is using HTTPS and your SVN server HTTP only.

Enable the headers modules:

a2enmod headers

Add the following instruction into your virtual host to support Headers

<VirtualHost *:80>

     RequestHeader edit Destination ^https http early

Restart / Reload Apache2 Gateway

service apache2 restart

Now it's OK !

You should not have any 502 errors anymore.

SVN server (Windows)


Users / groups configuration

  • Open the Visual SVN server application.
  • Open properties

Action > Properties

Windows SVN server 01
  • Click Repositories, adjust “Everyone” rights to Read Only
Windows SVN server 02
  • Add a new user and add 'read / write' permissions to this new user
Windows SVN server 03
Windows SVN server 04

Create a new repository (1) – standalone use

Right click on “repositories” -> create New Repository

Windows SVN server 05

Enter the repository name and let the server create the default structure for you:

Windows SVN server 06

→ Note the SVN URL. You’ll need it later when you’re gonna setup your project, within the maven pom.

Create a new repository (2) – mirror Google Code

Google provides a free subversion service through its “Google Code” service. However, there’s no quality analysis. … So, in order to provide quality checks we will mirror the google code repository.

Therefore, we’ll be able to perform quality scans.

  • Create a new repository, see previous chapter
Windows SVN server 07
  • Right click on the repository -> All tasks -> Manage hooks
Windows SVN server 08

You have to edit the “pre-revision property change hook” and put the following command:

exit 0

This will check that the execution (synchronization) was successful.

Windows SVN server 09

SVN client

The SVN client version must match the server version for better performances and to avoid errors.


Tortoise SVN is the best one available. http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/

!! During installation, don't forget to install the svn command line tools !!


Command line client

apt-get install subversion

Then you can use the svn command:

  • svn co --username=yourUserName --password=yourpassword http://path-to-your-svn
  • svn add file
  • svn commit -m "my revision comment"

Graphical client

RabbitVCS is a good alternative to tortoise SVN: http://rabbitvcs.org/

apt-get install rabbitvcs-cli rabbitvcs-core rabbitvcs-gedit rabbitvcs-nautilus