Firewall VPN

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What is a VPN?

See What is a VPN?

VPN firewall

Adjust the following to your own port, network ID and protocol:

IPTABLES=`which iptables`
IP6TABLES=`which ip6tables`

# usage:   vpn <vpn interface> <vpn port> <vpn protocol> <local interface> <remote LAN IPv4 [optional]> <remote LAN IPv6 [optional]> 
#     ex   vpn tun0 8080 udp eth0
#     ex   vpn tun0 8080 udp eth0 ""
#     ex   vpn tun0 8080 udp eth0 "" "2001:41d0:8:9318::/64"
function vpn {   

    echo "Setting up VPN rules" 

    # Allow VPN connections through $INT_VPN
    # Hint: if you do not accept all RELATED,ESTABLISHED connections then you must allow the source port
    echo "Init VPN"
    $IPTABLES -A INPUT -p $VPN_PROTOCOL --dport $VPN_PORT -m comment --comment "VPN incoming" -j ACCEPT
    $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -p $VPN_PROTOCOL --dport $VPN_PORT -m comment --comment "VPN outgoing" -j ACCEPT
    $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -p $VPN_PROTOCOL --sport $VPN_PORT -m comment --comment "VPN outgoing" -j ACCEPT

    $IP6TABLES -A INPUT -p $VPN_PROTOCOL --dport $VPN_PORT -m comment --comment "VPN incoming" -j ACCEPT
    $IP6TABLES -A OUTPUT -p $VPN_PROTOCOL --dport $VPN_PORT -m comment --comment "VPN outgoing" -j ACCEPT
    $IP6TABLES -A OUTPUT -p $VPN_PROTOCOL --sport $VPN_PORT -m comment --comment "VPN outgoing" -j ACCEPT

    # Allow VPN packets type INPUT,OUTPUT,FORWARD
    $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $INT_VPN -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "Invalid VPN packet" -j ACCEPT
    $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $INT_VPN -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "Invalid VPN packet" -j ACCEPT
    $IPTABLES -A FORWARD -o $INT_VPN -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "Invalid VPN packet" -j ACCEPT

    $IP6TABLES -A INPUT -i $INT_VPN -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "Invalid VPN packet" -j ACCEPT
    $IP6TABLES -A OUTPUT -o $INT_VPN -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "Invalid VPN packet" -j ACCEPT
    $IP6TABLES -A FORWARD -o $INT_VPN -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "Invalid VPN packet" -j ACCEPT

    # Allow forwarding
    echo "Enable forwarding form $INT_VPN /to/ $INT_LOCAL"
    $IPTABLES -A FORWARD -i $INT_VPN -o $INT_LOCAL -m comment --comment "Forwarding $INT_LOCAL <> VPN" -j ACCEPT
    $IPTABLES -A FORWARD -i $INT_LOCAL -o $INT_VPN -m comment --comment "Forwarding $INT_LOCAL <> VPN" -j ACCEPT

    $IP6TABLES -A FORWARD -i $INT_VPN -o $INT_LOCAL -m comment --comment "Forwarding $INT_LOCAL <> VPN" -j ACCEPT
    $IP6TABLES -A FORWARD -i $INT_LOCAL -o $INT_VPN -m comment --comment "Forwarding $INT_LOCAL <> VPN" -j ACCEPT

    # Allow packet to go/from the VPN network to the LAN
    $IPTABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $INT_LOCAL -m comment --comment "Forward between interfaces" -j MASQUERADE
    $IP6TABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $INT_LOCAL -m comment --comment "Forward between interfaces" -j MASQUERADE

    # Allow local LAN / remote LAN communication through VPN
    if [[ ! -z "$VPN_LAN_IPv4" ]]
    	echo "VPN LAN IPv4: $VPN_LAN_IPv4"
        # Allow packets to be send to VPN
        $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -d $VPN_LAN_IPv4 -m comment --comment "VPN LAN: $VPN_LAN_IPv4" -j ACCEPT
        $IPTABLES -A FORWARD -s $VPN_LAN_IPv4 -m comment --comment "VPN LAN: $VPN_LAN_IPv4" -j ACCEPT

        log_progress_msg "Allow VPN client to client communication"
        # Allow VPN client <-> client communication
        $IPTABLES -A INPUT -s $VPN_LAN_IPv4 -d $VPN_LAN_IPv4 -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "VPN client-to-client" -j ACCEPT
        $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -s $VPN_LAN_IPv4 -d $VPN_LAN_IPv4 -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "VPN client-to-client" -j ACCEPT
    if [[ ! -z "$VPN_LAN_IPv6" ]]
    	echo "VPN LAN IPv6: $VPN_LAN_IPv6"
        # Allow packets to be send to VPN
        $IP6TABLES -A OUTPUT -d $VPN_LAN_IPv6 -m comment --comment "VPN LAN: $VPN_LAN_IPv6" -j ACCEPT
        $IP6TABLES -A FORWARD -s $VPN_LAN_IPv6 -m comment --comment "VPN LAN: $VPN_LAN_IPv6" -j ACCEPT

        log_progress_msg "Allow VPN client to client communication"
        # Allow VPN client <-> client communication
        $IP6TABLES -A INPUT -s $VPN_LAN_IPv6 -d $VPN_LAN_IPv6 -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "VPN client-to-client" -j ACCEPT
        $IP6TABLES -A OUTPUT -s $VPN_LAN_IPv6 -d $VPN_LAN_IPv6 -m state ! --state INVALID -m comment --comment "VPN client-to-client" -j ACCEPT

    ####### Add route(s) to remote network(s)
    # You must add a new route for each network you'd like to access through the VPN server!
    # The VPN server must be able to reach the remote network! (otherwise it cannot acts as a GW !)
    # route add -net <network>/<mask> gw <VPN_SERVER_ETH_IP>
    # !! This information should be pushed by the server !! 
    # If not you can either add it manually over here (= in Iptables) or in the OpenVPN client conf.
    #echo "      ... add VPN route between VPN LAN and current location"
    #route add -net gw



You must enable FORWARDING somewhere else:

vim /etc/sysctl.conf

# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4

# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv6
#  Enabling this option disables Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
#  based on Router Advertisements for this host