Sonar + maven configuration + Jenkins

Revision as of 11:54, 10 April 2019 by WikiFreak (talk | contribs)

This article explains how to configure your maven projects to produce reports + how to configure Jenkins with SonarQube, bringing both Unit and Integration tests coverage.


  • Maven must run on Java 8 or +
  • You must use Sonarqube 7.x or +



You just have to define the configuration once, in the parent POM.

  • Jenkins
    • Requirements: plugins / setup
    • Job configuration
  • Maven plugins list
    • Reports generation : unit / integration tests
    • Jacoco binaries : many unit tests "jacoco.exec" / 1 single aggregation for "jacoco-it.exec"
    • SonarQube plugin
  • Jenkins usage

Maven plugins

Surefire UNIT Tests

Surefire is for UNIT tests = tests that should only use: plain java / Mockito / PowerMock / etc.

By default, the Surefire Plugin will automatically include all test classes with the following wildcard patterns:

  • **/Test*.java - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that start with "Test".
  • **/* - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "Test".
  • **/* - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "Tests".
  • **/* - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "TestCase".

If the test classes do not follow any of these naming conventions, then configure Surefire Plugin and specify the tests you want to include.

See Maven Surefire plugin documentation

(i) It is safer to exclude the integration tests patterns as well, depending on your own development setup:

  • **/*
  • **/*

Results are saved in each Maven module, in XML and TXT formats: $module/target/surefire-reports/*

        <!-- Set the reporting settings -->

            <!-- To run UNIT tests and generate execution reports. These reports are required for SonarQube -->


Failsafe INTEGRATION tests

Failsafe will process the Integration Tests = tests that should use Spring test / black box tests / etc.

By default, the Failsafe Plugin will automatically include all test classes with the following wildcard patterns:

  • **/IT*.java - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that start with "IT".
  • **/* - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "IT".
  • **/* - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "ITCase".

If the test classes do not follow any of these naming conventions, then configure Failsafe Plugin and specify the tests you want to include.

Results are saved in each Maven module:

  • Results are saved in XML and TXT formats in $module/target/failsafe-reports/*
  • Results are saved in BINARY (jacoco format) in $module/target/jacoco-it.exec


  • No tests will be run if mvn clean install -DskipIntegrationTests
  • The exclusion | inclusion list is something that depends on your own situation

        <!-- Set the reporting settings -->


            <!-- To run INTEGRATION tests and generate execution reports. These reports are required for SonarQube -->


Jacoco code coverage

Jacoco is a plugin that will:

  1. Parse SUREFIRE and FAILSAFE results
  2. Extract and generate code coverage reports (XML format)
  3. Convert the XML into binaries (*.exec) for SonarQube

Jacoco will generate the following binaries reports:

  • 1 unit test report per project, for every module: $parent/$module/target/jacoco.exec
  • 1 centralized integration test report: $parent/target/jacoco-it.exec

        <!-- Project configuration -->
        <!-- Sonar -->
        <!-- Tell sonar where to look for the binaries coverage files. Property inherited by submodules -->


            <!-- JACOCO test coverage plugin.
                 Use it to compile SUREFIRE (unit tests) and FAILSAFE (integration tests) reports for SonarQube
                 (i) attach that plugin to Maven TEST phase
                 Reports are generated in "${}/site/jacoco/*" by default
                 Good documentations:
                    <!-- ## UNIT TESTS ## -->
                    <!-- Configure JaCoCo runtime agent. It is passed as VM argument when Maven SUREFIRE plugin is executed. -->
                    <!-- Create reports -->
                    <!-- ## INTEGRATION TESTS ## -->
                    <!-- Configure JaCoCo runtime agent. It is passed as VM argument when Maven FAILSAFE plugin is executed. -->
                            <!-- Only 1 destination file to aggregate ALL integration tests reports -->
                            <!-- the "session.executionRootDirectory" = parent folder that is being build by Jenkins -->
                    <!-- Create reports -->


SonarQube plugin

SonarQube released a maven plugin to work with SONAR. This plugin already includes most of the configuration and default behavior is correct.

  • Sonar will read Jacoco "exec" binaries files
  • Sonar will process the Surefire & Failsafe reports

        <!-- Sonar -->
        <!-- Tell sonar where to look for the binaries coverage files. Property inherited by submodules -->


            <!-- SonarQube engine -->

Maven complete POM example

This is how the parent POM should look like to use SonarQube with correct coverage:

        <!-- Project configuration -->

        <!-- Sonar -->
        <!-- Tell sonar where to look for the binaries coverage files. Property inherited by submodules -->

            <!-- Build settings -->

            <!-- Always generate the source, it is better for debugging -->

            <!-- To run UNIT tests and generate execution reports. These reports are required for SonarQube -->

            <!-- To run INTEGRATION tests and generate execution reports. These reports are required for SonarQube -->

            <!-- JACOCO test coverage plugin.
                 Use it to compile SUREFIRE (unit tests) and FAILSAFE (integration tests) reports for SonarQube
                 (i) attach that plugin to Maven TEST phase
                 Reports are generated in "${}/site/jacoco/*" by default
                 Good documentations:
                    <!-- ## UNIT TESTS ## -->
                    <!-- Configure JaCoCo runtime agent. It is passed as VM argument when Maven SUREFIRE plugin is executed. -->
                    <!-- Create reports -->
                    <!-- ## INTEGRATION TESTS ## -->
                    <!-- Configure JaCoCo runtime agent. It is passed as VM argument when Maven FAILSAFE plugin is executed. -->
                            <!-- Only 1 destination file to aggregate ALL integration tests reports -->
                            <!-- the "session.executionRootDirectory" = parent folder that is being build by Jenkins -->
                    <!-- Create reports -->

            <!-- SonarQube engine -->

        <!-- jUnit -->


Jenkins plugins

To work with SonarQube, Jenkins requires the following plugins to be installed and enabled:


  • Log into Jenkins as an administrator
  • Go to Manage Jenkin > Manage plugins

Jenkins settings # Maven Integration plugin

Jenkins settings # SonarQube scanner for Jenkins

Global configuration

  • Log into Jenkins as an administrator
  • Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System
  • Scroll to the SonarQube servers section
  • Check Enable injection of SonarQube server configuration as build environment variables

Jenkins Global configuration # SonarQube

Job configuration

Now that you can generate these reports, especially the integration tests results, you need to configure Jenkins to use them!

Maven build (legacy)

This explain how to configure a Maven build (legacy) with SonarQube Runner.

In the Build Environment section > check Prepare SonarQube Scanner environment

Jenkins Build configuration #1

Then, set the Build command line:

Jenkins Build configuration #2

Adjust the SonarQube server URL + path to integration tests reports!

  • Maven build: clean install or clean deploy
  • Use SonarQube
    • Enable plugin: $SONAR_MAVEN_GOAL
    • Set SonarQube server URL:
    • Give path of Integration tests: -Dsonar.jacoco.itReportPath=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Flow.e.r.s/target/jacoco-it.exec

The configuration above will result in the following command line during execution:



See SonarQube documentation


By default there will be 1 sonarqube' entry for every Jenkins artifactId that is build (parent name).

How to see the code coverage by module?

To have a quick glance of the project's modules:

  • SonarQube > project > Code

SonarQube view results #1

  • SonarQube > project > Measures' > Expand coverage > Conditions coverage

SonarQube view results #2

How to see measures by module?

By default SonarQube display measures for all the project's modules. This is sometimes not convenient... The old "code" dashboard has been removed, but you can still see the measure by sub-module with a little trick.

  1. Select a module to analyze from the "code" menu

SonarQube select module, step 1

  1. Notice the SonarQube URL and the selection parameter

SonarQube select module, step 2

  1. Copy that &selected=.. parameter

  1. Parse the value on the measures page


jUnit tests ordering

Since jUnit 4.11 you can set the order of your tests. If you have to use that it means something is probably wrong with your tests design!


This article is based on my daily work in VEHCO + European Parliament + LuxTrust.

This article is based on a lot of research and code browsing. Following articles are very good:

Other article that are relevant for older versions of Sonar (versions < 6.x with Java 7)