Firewall installation scripts

You'll find here a set of firewall scripts that you can run.

These scripts are the results of a long time of trial / errors + work. Thanks to all the one that helped me to make them!


To use the firewall you need to:

  • Have a firewall start script
  • Have a firewall stop script
  • Have a firewall launcher script
  • Register the firewall to the boot sequence

Firewall start script

My firewall start script:

NetBoot client Firewall start script

My NetBoot firewall start script (LAN only):

Firewall stop script

My firewall stop script:

Firewall launcher script

My firewall stop script:


  • Download and adjust all the previous scripts.
  • Put all the scripts in /etc/firewall/ and set the execution rights
mkdir /etc/firewall
cp firewall* /etc/firewall/
chmod -R 755 /etc/firewall
  • Create some symlink for the firewall
ln -s /etc/firewall/ /usr/bin/firewall
ln -s /etc/firewall/ /etc/init.d/firewall
  • Register firewall script to boot sequence
cd /etc/init.d
update-rc.d firewall defaults

Reboot and check that the firewall is up with:

firewall status


All this knowledge is the result of years of experiments and trials. Don't hesitate to search over Internet for more advanced || simpler rules.


  • My education at Telecom Bretagne [1] && Chalmers [2]
  • Working years and some co-workers help:
    • Julien Rialland