DNS server unique zone

Revision as of 14:18, 22 August 2014 by WikiFreak (talk | contribs)

The DNS [Domain Name System] is a key component of a network infrastructure. It allows you to use NAMES instead of IP addresses and technical garbage.

You can learn how it works through a simple Google request.

Here, I will present the installation of:

  • DNS primary server (= DNS for domain smartcards.local) using BIND9
  • Local domain (.local)

You can re-use all this content for a web-site or public domain. Just replace smartcards.local by mywebsite.com.

Primary master

A DNS primary master is the main DNS for your local domain (ex: smartcards.local).

These are the steps to do:

  • Set the external DNS to use by your server
    • File: /etc/bind/named.conf.options
  • Declare the new domain to manage
    • File: /etc/bind/named.conf.local
  • Create a dedicated configuration file for the new domain
    • New file: /etc/bind/smartcards.local
  • Adjust the reverse zone
    • File: /etc/bind/named.conf.local
    • Rename and adjust file: /etc/bind/db.192

Declare the new domain

Edit configuration file:

vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local

Uncomment and adjust the file content

zone "smartcards.local" {
	type master;
        file "/etc/bind/smartcards.local";

Domain configuration file

Create the domain configuration file from a local template:

cp /etc/bind/db.local /etc/bind/smartcards.local

Edit configuration file:

vim /etc/bind/smartcards.local

Adjust the file content

; BIND data file for smartcards.local (you can use mywebsite.com)
$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA     smartcard-gw.smartcards.local. root.smartcards.local. (
                       20140603         ; Serial
                                        ; As the serial be changed everytime you edit this file
                                        ; it is recommended to use the pattern "yyyyMMdd"
                         604800         ; Refresh
                          86400         ; Retry
                        2419200         ; Expire
                         604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL

; DNS server declaration
; Each NS must point to an A record, not a CNAME. 
; This is where the Primary and Secondary DNS servers are defined
@                IN      NS      smartcard-gw.smartcards.local.
smartcard-gw     IN      A

; -- alternative -- 
; To declare a server a specific domain only
;website.com      IN      NS      smartcard-gw.website.com.
;website.com      IN      A

; Gateway (router)
cisco-router      IN      A

; Declare your servers and networks hosts 
smarcartd-prod-00 IN      A
smarcartd-prod-01 IN      A
smarcartd-prod-02 IN      A
smarcartd-prod-03 IN      A

; Create an alias to an existing record
;wwww             IN      CNAME   smartcard-gw


  • Don't forget to adjust the serial every-time you edit the file !
  • NS = Name server
  • A = IP v4 entry
  • AAAA = IP v6 entry
  • CNAME = Alias to a previous A or AAAA entry

Reverse zone file

Now that the zone is setup and resolving names to IP Adresses a Reverse zone is also required. A Reverse zone allows DNS to resolve an address to a name.

Declare reverse zone

Edit configuration file:

vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local

Add the following reverse

# Our reverse zone
# Server IP
zone "50.16.172.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.172";

Key points:

  • Replace 50.16.172 with the first three octets of whatever network you are using - in reverse order!
  • Name the zone file /etc/bind/db.172 : it should match the first octet of your network.

Configure reverse zone

Now create the /etc/bind/db.172 file:

cp /etc/bind/db.127 /etc/bind/db.172

Edit the new file:

vim /etc/bind/db.172

The content is basically the same as /etc/bind/smartcards.local:

; BIND reverse data file for local 172.16.50.XXX net
$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA     smartcard-gw.smartcards.local. root.smartcards.local. (
                       20140603         ; Serial
                                        ; As the serial be changed everytime you edit this file
                                        ; it is recommended to use the pattern "yyyyMMdd"
                         604800         ; Refresh
                          86400         ; Retry
                        2419200         ; Expire
                         604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
; Local server
@       IN      NS      smartcard-gw.
2       IN      PTR     smartcard-gw.smartcards.local.

; Gateway (router)
1       IN      PTR     cisco-router.smartcards.local

; Other components and hosts
50       IN      PTR     smartcard-prod-00.smartcards.local.
51       IN      PTR     smartcard-prod-01.smartcards.local.
52       IN      PTR     smartcard-prod-02.smartcards.local.
53       IN      PTR     smartcard-prod-03.smartcards.local.


  • Don't forget to adjust the serial every-time you edit the file !
  • You only need to put the last byte value in the reverse
  • PTR = redirection to A entry

Take changes into account

service bind9 restart

DNS server logs

Logs are in /var/log/syslog

Add new hostname

This is how we had a new host-name into the network:

Update LOCAL zone

Edit local zone:

vim /etc/bind/smartcards.local

Add a A or AAAA entry:

my-new-host       IN      A

Update REVERSE zone

Edit local zone:

vim /etc/bind/db.172

Add a A or AAAA entry:

60       IN      PTR     my-new-host.smartcards.local.

Restart service

service bind9 restart


You can find a lot of information about DNS on the web. I used the following tutorials:

Bug fixes: