Backup mediawiki

Revision as of 22:34, 18 January 2015 by WikiFreak (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Website Category:Development MediaWiki backup is composed of: * Database backup * Files backup All the content of the blog (articles, structure, navigation...")
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MediaWiki backup is composed of:

  • Database backup
  • Files backup

All the content of the blog (articles, structure, navigation, ...) is saved in database. Only the images, extensions and engine are in files.

Backup principle

As this blog is running on a shared webserver, I do not have console access. Therefore I have to use PHP, HTML and JavaScript only. No shell script or Linux command.

This is the backup principle:

Server backup

Useful libraries

Database backup

$backupDatabase = new Backup_Database($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPassword, $dbName);
$status = $backupDatabase->backupTables($dbTables, $dstFolder);
if ($status) {
     // Success case
} else {
     // Error case

Folder compression

$z1=new recurseZip();
echo $z1->compress($srcWiki,$dstFolder);

Complete backup script

You need to adjust the *** settings *** variables.

	// ##############################
	// Settings
	// ##############################

	// ***** Output folder *****
	$dstFolder = "/home/...";

	// ***** Database settings *****
	$dbName = 'myDb';
	$dbHost = 'dbServer';
	$dbUser = 'dbUser';
	$dbPassword = 'secret';
	// $dbTables = '*';
	$dbTables = "wiki_archive,wiki_category,wiki_categorylinks,wiki_change_tag,wiki_externallinks,wiki_external_user,wiki_filearchive,wiki_hitcounter,wiki_image,wiki_imagelinks,wiki_interwiki,wiki_ipblocks,wiki_iwlinks,wiki_job,wiki_l10n_cache,wiki_langlinks,wiki_logging,wiki_log_search,wiki_module_deps,wiki_msg_resource,wiki_msg_resource_links,wiki_objectcache,wiki_oldimage,wiki_page,wiki_pagelinks,wiki_page_props,wiki_page_restrictions,wiki_protected_titles,wiki_querycache,wiki_querycachetwo,wiki_querycache_info,wiki_recentchanges,wiki_redirect,wiki_revision,wiki_searchindex,wiki_sites,wiki_site_identifiers,wiki_site_stats,wiki_tag_summary,wiki_templatelinks,wiki_text,wiki_transcache,wiki_updatelog,wiki_uploadstash,wiki_user,wiki_user_former_groups,wiki_user_groups,wiki_user_newtalk,wiki_user_properties,wiki_valid_tag,wiki_watchlist";

	// ***** Folders to backup *****
	$srcWiki = "/home/...";
	$srcWikiUploadFiles = "/home/...";

	// ##############################
	// DB backup
	// ##############################
	$log = '';
	$backupDatabase = new Backup_Database($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPassword, $dbName);
	$status = $backupDatabase->backupTables($dbTables, $dstFolder);
	if ($status) {
		$log .= "<p>";
		$log .= "<strong>Database backup complete!</strong>";
		$log .= "</p>";
	} else {
		$log .= "<p>";
		$log .= "<strong><span style='font-weight:bold; color:red'> Database backup failure </span></strong>";
		$log .= "<br> Please check the logs";
		$log .= "</p>";
	// ##############################
	// Files backup
	// ##############################
	// Backup mediawiki
	$z1=new recurseZip();
	echo $z1->compress($srcWiki,$dstFolder);
	// Backup wiki related files
	$z2=new recurseZip();
	echo $z2->compress($srcWikiUploadFiles,$dstFolder);	
	$log .= "<p>";
	$log .= "<strong>Files backup complete!</strong>";
	$log .= "</p>";

	echo $log;